


入選 Goutam Pramanick/ Merit Award Goutam Pramanick

發佈單位:臺東美術館 點閱率:596
  • 2012
  • 50.8×38.1cm
  • 蛋彩、畫板
  • 2012
  • 50.8×38.1cm
  • Tempera on board
To me, Nature is a source of constant inspiration. I prefer natural landscapes as a cherished subject of my works. Mountains, trees, valleys under the open sky, streams - these are some of the various natural elements that I love to depict. I play with their forms and colors. I often deviate from their natural forms and color schemes and try to utilize my own imagination. Tempera is my preferred medium. I try to apply flat colors with tonal variations. The lyrical beauty of a landscape is further enhanced with dark shadows and highlights. Thus portraying nature in her various moods, I feel myself healed and elevated. I feel myself merged and my ‘I’ seems to be lost thereby. As if I become a medium and let free that spontaneous flow of nature’s sweetness.
The entry work depicts a valley with a river flowing across. Houses are seen at some places. The sky, the land and the river - all of them compliment each other in terms of color variety. The dark lines in between make prominent the colors of the land surfaces. The touch of blue here and there adds to visual pleasure and color harmony. To me, the picture overall reflects a serene atmosphere which impacts the viewer’s mind directly.
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