


佳作 Regional Art Forum

發佈單位:臺東美術館 點閱率:401
【Proofs of Travel】
尺寸:Dimensions variable
材質:Flat screen monitors, documents, photographic stills, video loops, mobile phone, wood platforms, acrylic paint

"Proofs of Travel" is a research-based collaborative art project by Filipino artists with different cognitive backgrounds (i.e. Anthropology, Philosophy, Pedagogy, Literary Criticism, and the Law). The art project will engage the corporeal reality of travel. The "corporeal" in this case pertains to and interrogates the juridical or "legal" articulations of travel - articulations that affect how human migration (and the collective sense of diaspora) is shaped or structured by juridical contexts and parameters that beget its own significations or meanings. This idea is inspired by the story of Austronesian people - its migration, dispersal, and eventual occupation of vast corporeal or geo-graphical areas that now host variegated meanings or significances, meanings that serve as boundaries although they can function as archival or anecdotal takeoff points for interpretive, historical, and anthropological investigations - hence an avenue for rediscovering lost horizons, for celebrating the joy of lost but found connections, of encounters that bespeak a shared but severed past, an appearance of "new" but old memories that are corporeal yet obscured in the sensate encounter of the present.
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