入選 蘇智偉/ Merit Award Su Chih-Wei
【Ma Rir Na Pio】
“Ma Rir Na Pio”是蘭嶼達悟族語的羅馬拼音,譯義為「兄弟們或孩子們」。畫中蘭嶼海景、拼板舟及達悟族人,和諧地呈現南島風情。畫中人物有壯年、青年、兒童,展現各年齡層達悟男兒的意氣煥發。「兄弟們或孩子們」除了意含世代傳承,也蘊含長輩對晚輩的期許、關愛及提攜。
【Ma Rir Na Pio】
- 2012
- 80×120cm
- Woodblock (print by the medium of water)
“Ma Rir Na Pio” is the Roman Alphabet of Tao ethnic language in Lanyu, interpreted as “ brothers or children.” Lanyu’s sea scenery, canoe and Tao people in this painting represent Austronesia folkway in harmony. The characters in this painting including adults, youths and children show Tao men’s enthusiasm and energy in different ages. The work “brothers and children” not only represents inheritance over the generations but also implies the expectations, care and guidance for the junior generation from the elders.