


入選 劉秀梅/ Merit Award Liu Hsiu-Mei

發佈單位:臺東美術館 點閱率:549
  • 2011
  • 150×150×76cm
  • 複合媒材
【Metamorphosis Comfortable】
  • 150×150×76cm
  • Mixed media
I tried to use “quiet” as a way to express the work’s emotion, a metaphor to express these forms. The patches of color represent a standard checkerboard, and the erected forms resemble chess pieces. The qualities of the flowers look like warriors who are in position. They are mainly grouped into “Flowers” and “non-flowers,” strangely interlacing with each other under the unaccountable characters. They are quiet, without any intension of moving. At the moment of gaze, their appearances look like flowers blooming on a magnificent fertile land as well as people walking in the standard framework, who have unspeakable colors and personalities. Some are as innocent as children; some look lonely and depressed; some are like religious visionaries full of philosophical thoughts; and some are like wealthy ladies in a catwalk. They quietly and slightly move and propagate under the interaction between the colors and forms.
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