入選 黃柏勳/ Merit Award Huang Bo-Xun
【An Island in the Sky】
- 2011
- 145×145×5cm
- Acrylic paint
Smart phones and digital tablets are being infused into our daily life in an astounding pace. They have helped construct a new and portable virtual space. Especially in public spaces, these devices isolate individuals thus turning each individual into isolated islands or virtual floating “islands in the sky”, which are colorful, self-sufficient, and self-satisfactory. If these smart electronic devices carry an Apple logo it can even provide people with a small sense of superiority. As long as we are behind screens, we can avoid feeling embarrassed when making eye contact with strangers. Instead, the entire space is filled with a new fixed atmosphere of embarrassment. I always thought that this revolving island reflects not only the extremely fast pace of life now but also the alienation that people in extreme loneliness dare not to walk across.