


入選 梁家愷/ Merit Award Jimmy Liang

發佈單位:臺東美術館 點閱率:708
  • 2012-2014
  • 1000×500×300cm
  • 油彩,壓科力顏料,現成品
【 Not Looking 】
  • 2012-2014
  • 1000×500×300cm
  • Oil on canvas, oil and acrylic on canvas,readymades
Before arriving at a new place, it isinevitable that the traveler does their “homework” to get prepared for theexperiences to come, also to provide a transitional framework for whenexperience becomes reflection. However, this preparatory work also puts onlenses that skew the traveler’s vision, and therefore, the whole experience.
Myinterest and curiosity in history and anthropology inspired me to make the workthat brought me to Taitung. In the short time that I have been here, whateverromantic cultural and intellectual baggage that came along with me has droppedquite a satisfying amount. In turn, with a still awakening gaze I get to seethings more or less with unfiltered eyes, more or less on their own terms. Itis quite a liberating feeling. The work that I have created here is thesubjective account of this process.
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