通過行動與表達藝術存在之形式,所還原自然生命的本質 。表現形式:
3.行走池上、關山、瑞和、瑞源、紅葉、鹿野、初鹿、賓朗、富源、卑南、臺東、太麻里、知本、土阪、臺阪共15區 。
【Where Behind the Wind】
Through the actions and the forms of performing art existence, this work restores the essence of natural life, performed forms as follows:
1.Put on the unlined garment with a mood of a new-born baby, appear in Taitung for twenty days and experience the reality of life.
2.A series of images show contacts with strangers to present the relationship building up between people and people.
3.Walk around fifteen areas, including Chihshang, Guanshan, Ruihe, Ruiyuan, Hongye, Luye, Chulu, Binlang, Fuyuan, Beinan, Taitung, Taimali, Chihben, Tuban and Taiban.