



發佈單位:臺東美術館 點閱率:442
參展團隊: 王佳珍,李阿香,李阿雪,李秀菊,李秀慧,李圓圓,李慧蓮,林南薰,都姆恩・馬邵,秦政德,陳政道,陳愛玉,張沃真,張湛之,簡月美,簡春梅。 Bnu Pasang, Chan-Zhi Chang, Cheng-Tao Chen, Cheng-Te Chin, Cumey Hrosi, Icyang Pasang, Nac Hijiyu, Nan-Hsun Lin, Qurug Tumiyu, Simat Qurang, Tumum Masaw, Wo-Chen Chang, Yakaw Wnan, Yaya Huwat, Yeyku Rikaw, Yuri Pasang
作品名稱:太魯閣藝駐計劃 IV Part3:山上的家務事 / TAR IV Part3: Family Matters in the Mountains
2021年夏天,COVID-19影響了台灣社會的運轉、影響了山上太魯閣大同大禮部落的生活,也影響了森人—太魯閣藝駐計劃IV Part 2的進行;在確定每位認識的部落長者皆完成第二劑疫苗施打後,森人恢復了駐山研究員的安排及進駐。同年十月某次回返部落山下社區探望,順便尋找藝駐計畫靈感時,發現阿香阿姨正在為家裡後方外搭陽台因老舊坍塌進行置換新支撐架的工程煩惱,一方面是針對工程的費用,另一方面則是對僅剩一半的陽台感到非常不便也非常危險,其中還得知自其一家搬遷至山下生活以來,陽台也已使用了二十多年??這段對話於腦中迴響不斷,反思起假若將隔年(2022年)二月關美館的部分展覽資金,挹注予山上部落婦女的家務事,能不能描繪一個不一樣的勞動風景?以此為引,邀請Bnu Pasang、Yuri Pasang、Simat Qurang、Yaya Huwat、Cumey Hrosi、Tumum Masaw、Yeyku Likaw、Qurug Tumiyu八位部落婦女合作,將來自藝術展覽製作的挹注金交予她們,提供其自由支用,但必須在二月於關渡美術館的展覽中,分享她們如何使用資金的思考;於此同時也延伸前述太魯閣藝駐計劃 IV Part 2的討論與精神,邀請砂卡礑教會參與本次挹注金交換計畫。展覽前一週,八位部落婦女討論決議將收集自各家的物件在美術館裡組裝成一個小屋-家。期待透過參與南島國際美術獎展覽延續山上家務事意義的討論,延伸傳統領域裡自然與藝術關係的想像。


Prana lnglung kana dxgan ni suyang smlaan kska ndaan suxan ,12 kbuhug pila ka pnsramal Taydun sapah bqdaan rnisul , bgay na demptseusa.

1 kbuhug pila o wada dha sbgay txtaxa kuyuh alang dgiyaq Skadan, Nhdaan do o empprngaw ni lnglung huya skun dmuuy ka kana dnuuy nii.


開展前兩週,Icyang Pasang阿姨表⽰希望舉辦邀請部落族⼈來台東美術館觀展,因協助她將參展⽯頭背下⼭的⼩孩不理解為什麼⼭上⽯頭值得被展⽰被觀賞。與砂卡噹教會哈尤・尤道牧師分享這件事時,牧師提議也許在展期最後兩天(1/28-29)邀請族⼈來台東。安排參訪臺東⽣態非營利組織及來美術館觀展,週日早上在美術館⼾外展區舉行禮拜。


註 1:多年參與森⼈活動的林⼩姐與其⼩孩,於2022年關渡美術館展覽開幕時,帶著與⼩孩⼀起創作的慶賀開幕牌創作祝福展覽開幕,意外地留下並參加了展覽。展後將開幕牌創作轉贈⼤同部落彩虹屋族人,邀請林⼩姐及⼩孩參加這次的家務事展覽團隊。 

註 2:多年參與森⼈駐⼭的藝術家秦政德(阿德),常熱情無私地與族⼈分享⾃⼰的創作與思考。因族⼈Tumum Masaw於關渡美術館參展作品掛著阿德贈送的⽊牌創作,邀請阿德參加這次的家務事展覽團隊。 

Continue the imagination of the relationship between nature and art in the aboriginal territories. The Taitung Art Museum provides a budget of NT$120,000 for each participant. We subsidize the women's family matters in the mountains with the budgeted artist's fee, NT$10,000 per household, and finally share the use and thinking of each housework subsidy at the exhibition.

Two weeks before the opening, Aunt Icyang Pasang expressed her wish to invite tribal people to visit the exhibition at Taitung Art Museum, because the children who helped her carry the exhibited stones down the mountain did not understand why the stones on the mountain were worth displaying and viewing. Later, I shared this matter with Pastor Hayu Youdao of Shakadang Church. The pastor suggested that the tribe could be invited to come to Taitung to communicate with local ecological non-profit organizations and observe the exhibition during the last two days of the exhibition. On the last day of the exhibition, on Sunday, 2023/01/29, a worship service will be held in the outdoor exhibition area of the art museum, and two workshops on making the harmonica of the Taroko nationality will be held.

Regarding the planning of the exhibition venue, in addition to displaying objects related to family matters in the mountains, we will also arrange the space as the event site for the clansmen to worship at the Taitung Art Museum on the last day of the exhibition—responding to the intention of relocating churches in the Taroko Mountains in history.

*1 Ms. Lin and her children, who have participated in many activities of Tree Tree Tree Person-Taroko Arts Residency Project, celebrated the opening day of the exhibition at the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts in 2022 with a celebration opening card made themselves. Therefore, they accidentally joined the exhibition, and after the exhibition the work was donated to the Rainbow House of the Datong Tribe, so we invited them to participate in this exhibition.

*2 Artist Cheng-Te Chin, an artist who has participated in Tree Tree Tree Person - Taroko Arts Residency Project for many years, often enthusiastically shares his creations and thoughts with the tribe. Because the works of Tumum Masaw showed in the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts with a wooden plaque made by Ms. Chin, so we invited him to participate in this exhibition.
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