


入選 陳宗和/ Merit Award Chen Tzung-Her

發佈單位:臺東美術館 點閱率:527
  • 2012
  • 125×50×3.5cm
  • 數位攝影
【Investiture of the Gods in Taiwan: God ofResidence】
  • 2012
  • 125×50×3.5cm
  • Digital photograph
Residentsof Taiwan are mainly composed of the indigenous people and the Han people ofChina. In religious belief, both have not only preserved their own inherentcharacteristics but have interlaced the essence of the other. The series of“investiture of the Gods in Taiwan” explores Taiwan’s architecture, culture, religion, and lifestyles through architectural forms of Taiwan’s folk religious belief-“God of residence,” “exorcising stone tablet” and “five camps.” God of residence is a folk religious belief inEast Asia. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Fujian and Hakka immigrantssailed across the sea to Taiwan and occupied the land of the indigenous Pingpupeople. They established the God of residence in order to express their respectfor Pingpu’s ancestors as well as to worship them. This tradition evolves eventill this day. When Taiwanese individuals migrate or move to new homes. Theyalso worship and say farewell to the Gods of their old residence and asks forthe new one’s blessings.
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