



發佈單位:臺東美術館 點閱率:784
【《群島:第四曲》–希巨蘇飛 (土、木、水、歌)】
  • 2014
  • 44分38秒
  • 紀錄片/影片
本片背景就在臺灣美麗東海岸,當地叫作都蘭的原住民村莊。《群島》影片系列共有幾個主題:藝術、音樂及海洋。本系列專注介紹幾位特定人士,他們都是從海洋獲得靈感或是靠海維生。臺東縣常常為人所忽略,這個臺灣東海岸的都蘭小村莊更是渺小。為何擁有多元背景及國籍的藝術家、音樂家及船夫都被吸引至此?在一集影片中,或著應該說是「第一曲」 (《第一曲》-阿爾瓦羅托黑達),西班牙藝術家阿爾瓦羅將自己和他人形容成「群島中的一座座小島」,他運用詩歌、藝術及音樂作為創作媒材。我身為本片導演及剪輯,大大受到這個隱喻的啟發:個人是小島,群體是群島,而海洋則是兩者間的聯繫。我發現所有的人物(我則喜歡稱其為「小島」)都連結或仰賴當地的大自然,特別是當地的海洋。都蘭儼然就是迷人群體所構成的小宇宙,擁有來自世界各地的多元個體,大家共生共存,就像個小型社會。十分重要的是,他們所有人之間的聯繫就是海洋。當地有原住民、漢人及外國人,確實是座文化、語言、音樂及藝術的熔爐。 
在續集(《群島:第二曲》- 〈衝浪及小提琴〉中的Randy Chang),影片焦點放在一位臺灣衝浪音樂人Randy Chang身上,他在臺東衝浪很長一段時間。Randy談到衝浪及小提琴在本質上是如何息息相關。 
【 Archipelago: Track Four – Siki Sufin (“Earth, Wood, Water,Song”)】
  • 2014
  • 44 minutes 38 seconds
  • Documentary/Film
No man is an island..or is he?
The setting is Taiwan's beautiful eastcoast, in an aboriginal village called Dulan. 'Archipelago' is a film-serieswith several themes: art, music, and the ocean. The series focuses on certainindividuals who draw inspiration from, or have a dependence on, the sea. Why doartists, musicians and watermen from such diverse backgrounds andnationalities, gravitate towards the often-overlooked county of Taitung, andparticularly the tiny village of Dulan on Taiwan's east coast? In the pilotepisode, or 'track' (Track One - Alvaro Trugeda), Spanish artist Alvarointroduces himself and others as 'islands' in the 'archipelago', using poetry,art and music as his medium. As director and editor I was inspired by themetaphor of individuals (islands) and community (the archipelago) with theocean as link between. I discovered that all these characters, or islands as Ilike to put it, have some kind of relationship or dependence on the naturehere, and particularly the ocean. Dulan in particular is a microcosm of afascinating community of diverse individuals from all corners of the globe,co-existing as a mini-society, but very importantly with the ocean as thethread that binds them all.  Indigenouspeoples, Han Chinese, foreigners, it’s a real melting-pot of cultures,languages, music, art, etc.
In the follow up episode (Archipelago:Track Two - Randy Chang in “Surfing and the Violin”) , the focus is onTaiwanese surfer and musician Randy Chang, who spends much of his time surfingin Taitung. Randy talks about how surfing and the violin are intrinsicallyconnected.
Track Three showcases the works of JoelJoel, poet and painter, who was drawn here many years ago, because, as he putsit “the seeds of ideas grow faster”. I used Joel Joel’s poetry and art todocument his artistic journey, from Thailand to Taitung, which he now callshome.
Track Four – Siki Sufin, was created duringthe one month residency period and documents elements of local Amis wood carverand spearfisherman, Siki Sufin’s daily life. I document the relationshipbetween earth (or island –Siki in this case), water (the rivers and ocean)wood(the livelihood) and song (communication) and how these elements bind Siki tohis culture and village.
‘Archipelago”also Includes original music written and composed entirely by local and foreignmusicians with some connection to the area and/or the project. The title track“Archipelago”, recorded and mixed locally and with a DIY approach, was createdwith contributors singing in 6 different languages over a 3 year period.
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