


入選 東冬‧侯溫/ Merit Award Don don‧Hounwn

發佈單位:臺東美術館 點閱率:1025
【 Den Pusu(太魯閣語意;根源)】
  • 2014
  • 1000×500×700cm
  • 影像裝置
來自最初的神祖,從根源之樹來到人間,帶來與自然共存的生命,祝福和大地相繫的人們;一粒米煮一鍋飯的神話,仍然傳說著。而我的存在和叮嚀,卻如幻影般遙遠,少一點…少一點自大,你就能再次親近我,多一點…多一點虔敬,我就能重現那遠古的美麗世界。看見了嗎?那圍覆在虹彩光圈中的禮物,那閃爍在交織光影裡的凝視,那堆疊在殘破大鍋內的慾望 。

【 Den Pusu 】
  • 2014
  • 1000×500×700cm
  • Image Apparatus
From the original gods that came to the world of mortals through the root of the tree. They brought life that coexists with Nature and gave their blessing to humanity who is connected to the earth. The myth concerning a grain of rice that cooks into a pot is still a legend. Yet, my existence and warning like distant shadows, a little less… less arrogance and you will be again close to me, a little more…more devotion, then I can reproduce that beautiful world of ancient times. Do you see it? That gift inside the ring around the iris, that glittering gaze mingling with sunlight and shade or that desire piled up inside the huge broken pot.
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