


入選 劉庭易/ Merit Award Liu Tin-Yi

發佈單位:臺東美術館 點閱率:654
  • 2012
  • 150×100×60cm
  • 鐵、大理石、檜木、陶土
【South Island.Conditions〈Drifter Series〉】
  • 2012
  • 150×100×60cm
  • Iron, marble, Taiwanese cypress, pottery
There are five important elements in nature. In order to turn natural elements into materials for art, one is required to directly capture its essence. The artist made use of metal, stone, wood, and earth to represent the central theme of “Austronesia”. The original concept was to present the deviations of Austronesian aesthetics throughout the world as well as to shed light on the gap between Taiwan’s contemporary arts. Under constant evolution, each has found their spot. But art is a result of a combination of both objective and subjective opinions. Therefore, representations of “Austronesian” imagery would be different; which is the central theme of this piece. Discussions of the concept of the elements are fine, but it needs not to be discussed in detail. As pure elements will enlarge the imaginations, and this is art itself. Art has not one right answer, for it always blurs points of views in order to find out the truth.
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