【 The VESSEL 】
- 2014
- 290×90×75cm
- 漂流木、紙、鋼絲、刺葉樹樹脂、墨水、金屬、鹽、五金製品
《The VESSEL》既是件雕刻作品,也是件樂器,你可以把它當成成一件等待發聲的沉默藝術品,或是做為音樂表演的器具。
齊特琴在南島及東亞隨處可見。《The VESSEL》的結構類似多種形式的傳統齊特琴,這是一個能激發想像、沉思及震動的器具、一種以水火留下的水圖騰。南島先民展開史詩旅程,遊遍廣袤太平洋,而這個作品的靈感便是就來自這段歷史。《The VESSEL》帶來視覺及聽覺饗宴,讓將現代觀眾暫時回到過去,召喚出看似真栩栩如生的現代,但其實那是個脫俗超凡的無形世界。
希望在我離開許久之後,地方藝術家能造訪這座美術館,並以《The VESSEL》進行演奏。
【 The VESSEL 】
- 2014
- 290×90×75cm
- Driftwood, paper, wire, Xanthorreoa resin, ink, meatl, salt, hardware
The VESSEL is both a sculpture and a musical instrument that can be experienced as a silent artefact waiting to sound or as a vehicle for musical performance.
Similar in structure to the many forms of traditional zithers found throughout Austronesian and East Asia it is a vehicle for the imagination, contemplation and vibration. An aquatic totem marked by water and fire and inspired by the Austronesian history of epic voyages throughout the vast Pacific Ocean. Visually and aurally the VESSEL brings a little of the past into the present, evoking a world that seems real, present and contemporary yet somehow otherworldly and intangible.
The most rewarding aspect of my artist-in-residency has been learning about Amis, Paiwan, Atayal and Puyemu Aboriginal culture and receiving the kindness and generosity of the local Taiwanese. Artists such as Talaluki, Kimbo Hu Te Fu, Dakanow and Walis Nokan have been extremely generous in sharing their culture with me. We have spent many an evening together singing, playing music and sharing ideas and philosophies. In a short space of time I have learnt much from them. I would also especially like to thank Chen Kuanchung, Lafin and Talaluki for their kind assistance.
I hope that local artists will visit the museum and play music on the VESSEL long after my departure.