



發佈單位:臺東美術館 點閱率:715
  • 2011年
  • 130 × 162公分
  • 油畫

his is a painting of the aboriginals celebrating a good year’s harvest through their ceremony. It shows a group of people standing in a circle for a ceremony that thanks the bountiful products from farming. I hoped to show that even though we are living in an era where nature can seem distant, what with harmful food additives and toxic substances in wide range of products, it is not difficult to appreciate the wonderful sides of mother nature. The celebration of these aboriginals shows that it is still possible to be close to the green environment, and that sometimes it is the simple (good harvest from farming without pesticides) rather than complex (intricately packaged food product that we may often buy) things that give us more joy.

I hope it is clear from this artwork that nature is actually always just around the corner, as long as we are willing to take the initiative to look for and embrace it.




l   99年彰化縣政府 文化局磺溪入選獎
l   Began drawing at the age of 14
l   Began painting at the age of 16 (oil painting)
Specialize in portrait painting in a realistic manner
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