


優選 游依珊 /Excellence Award Yu I-Shan

發佈單位:臺東美術館 點閱率:540
  • 2011
  • 91.5×200cm
  • 油彩、油性蠟筆、麻布
【Aircraft 2011-1】
  • 2011
  • 91.5×200cm
  • Oil paint, crayon, linen
If we want to analyze “The flying series,” from the vantage point of aesthetics, we could say that it is about freedom. Kant has a well known saying in that “the pursuit of aesthetics is aimless and purposive.” It is particularly true in Yu’s “Flying series.” The so-called “aimlessness” is exactly what the artist is searching for; to the artist the aimlessness is a kind of freedom free of the academic sense of beauty. Instead, the inherent act of painting is purposive on its own. Yu once wrote that an aircraft can be anything, but its image is allowed to be uncertain. It can be floating or even a kind of spiritual fugue. In the “flying series,” the artist does not depict the vessel nor the flight but rather the meditative state where one’s mind goes for a walk.
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